摘要In this paper, we study the consensus problem for multi-agent systems under a directed graph. First, the velocity-free consensus algorithm for double-integrator dynamics is proposed, in which the graph theory and Lyapunov stability theory are applied. The proposed consensus algorithm guarantees that the states of all agents can reach consensus asymptotically. Then, the obtained results and techniques are extended to the attitude consensus for multiple rigid bodies. Numerical simulations are given to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the consensus problem for multi-agent systems under a directed graph. First, the velocity-free consensus algorithm for double-integrator dynamics is proposed, in which the graph theory and Lyapunov stability theory are applied. The proposed consensus algorithm guarantees that the states of all agents can reach consensus asymptotically. Then, the obtained results and techniques are extended to the attitude consensus for multiple rigid bodies. Numerical simulations are given to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
吕建秋,王宏起. 有向图中多智能体系统一致性[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2016, 2(3): 208-212.
LYU Jian-Qiu, WANG Hong-Qi. Consensus for Multi-agent Systems Under a Directed Graph. Journal of Command and Control, 2016, 2(3): 208-212.