The Consideration of Parallel System for Decision Support
QIU Xiao-Gang1,2 HU Gen-Sheng1
1.The 31002 Troops, PLA, Beijing 100194, China
2.College of Information System and Management, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha Hunan 410073, China
Abstract:Parallel system techniques can improve the eectiveness and correctness of decision making, especially in complex circumstances. By analyzing the requirements of parallel systems for decision making support, the requirements of simulation environment for parallel systems, and the requirements of constructing simulation environment, technical challenges for constructing parallel systems are formulated. Furthermore, the Domain Simulation Engineering is employed to slove some of these aforementioned challenges. Finally, in order to reduce the diculty to realize “Simplicity and Consistency” when modelling agents in parallel systems, techniques such as component-based modelling of entity models, centralized modelling of intelligent components, and plug-in-based behavior modelling of agents are explored.
邱晓刚,胡艮胜. 面向辅助决策的平行系统思考[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2016, 2(3): 230-233.
QIU Xiao-Gang, HU Gen-Sheng. The Consideration of Parallel System for Decision Support. Journal of Command and Control, 2016, 2(3): 230-233.