Abstract:As a typical complex giant system, there is dependency and feedback relationship among capability indicators of Networking Information-Centric System-of-Systems (NIC SoS). The characteristics of capability are fully analyzed and the capability index system is constructed. Then, a capability correlation model of NIC SoS based on Analytic Network Process (ANP) is designed. Furthermore, the theories of \information endues capability, network enhances capability, SoS
agglomerates capability" are verified and suggestions for capability building are put forward.
禹明刚,倪金盾,权冀川,董经纬. 基于ANP 的网络信息体系能力相关性模型研究[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2018, 4(4): 291-296.
YU Ming-Gang, NI Jin-Dun, QUAN Ji-Chuan, DONG Jing-Wei. Capability Correlation Model of Networking Information-Centric System-of-Systems Based on ANP. Journal of Command and Control, 2018, 4(4): 291-296.