指挥与控制学报  2021, Vol. 7 Issue (4): 389-396    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-0204.2021.04.0389
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针对智能车辆在换道过程中存在的安全性问题, 提出了智能网联汽车的安全自主换道模型. 在两车道的换道场景下,基于车车通信技术得到换道车辆及周围车辆的运动状态信息, 借助博弈论建立换道车辆与周围车辆的协同换道决策模型, 得到允许换道指令信息后, 基于模型预测理论设计了换道轨迹跟踪控制器. 通过仿真, 对比其他研究模型, 定量分析验证所建模型和设计的轨迹跟踪控制器具有良好效果, 实现了智能车辆安全准确的自主换道.
1. 江苏省城市智能交通重点实验室 (东南大学) 江苏 南京 210096 2. 现代城市交通技术江苏高校协同创新中心 江苏 南京 210096 3. 江苏省物联网技术与应用协同创新中心 江苏 南京 210096
Optional Lane-Changing of Intelligent Vehicles Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Aiming at safety problems of intelligent vehicles during lane-changing, a safe autonomous lane-changing model of intelligent networked vehicles is proposed. In the two-lane scenario, based on the vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology, the motion state information of the lane-changing vehicle and surrounding vehicles is obtained. The cooperative lane-changing decision model is established by game theory. Based on Model Prediction Control (MPC) theory, lane-changing trajectory tracking controller is designed. Through simulation, compared with the current research methods, the quantitative analysis verifies that the designed trajectory tracking controller realizes the safe and accurate lane-changing of the intelligent vehicle.
1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS (Southeast University), Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China 2. Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies, Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China 3. Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Technology and Application of Internet of Things, Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China
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