Capability Boundaries of Foundation Models and Their Applications in Command and Control
ZHAO Liang 1, 2, * JU Hongbin 1, 2 ZHANG Pengyi 1, 2 SU Jian 1, 2 LI Xing 1, 2
1. Systems Engineering Research Institute, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Beijing 100190, China; 2. China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited Intelligent Innovation Research Institute, Beijing 100091, China
Abstract:Foundation Models, including LLMs and MLLMs, have enormous potential application value in military Command and Control, and it is necessary to clarify the current boundary of Foundation Models' capabilities in order to promote their implementations. An analysis is conducted from three aspects: the current development status of the domestic and international Foundation Model industry, the capability boundaries of Foundation Models, and potential Command and Control applications. The capability boundaries of the stateof-the-art Foundation Models and the relative level of domestic models are analysed, and the shortcomings and expansion methods of large model capabilities are summarized. The application methods of the Foundation Models in Command and Control, as well as the level of intelligence improvement they brings are proposed. Finally, suggestions are put forward for key work in the field of Command and Control applications.
赵亮,鞠鸿彬,张鹏翼,苏建,李杏. 大模型的能力边界与指挥控制应用[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2024, 10(6): 653-660.
ZHAO Liang,JU Hongbin,ZHANG Pengyi,SU Jian,LI Xing. Capability Boundaries of Foundation Models and Their Applications in Command and Control. Journal of Command and Control, 2024, 10(6): 653-660.