Abstract:Command decision of equipment Battlefield damage assessment (BDA) is an important basis for wartime equipment support decision and operational decision, whose role is more and more prominent. The definition for command decision of BDA is given in this paper. And the characteristics of command decision of BDA in the information warfare are analyzed, including diverse content, complex process, arduous task and bad environment. Meanwhile, the experiences and practices of foreign military command decision of BDA are summarized, which contain innovated evaluation methods strengthened data management, improved data model, enhanced effciency of assessment. Further more, the proposals are presented, to raise the level of attention, improve the assessment agencies and the battlefield damage levels assessment methods, expand the means of assessment, which is useful to our military command decision of BDA.
赵晓东, 李雄. 信息化战争装备战伤评估指挥决策[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2016, 2(1): 33-39.
ZHAO Xiao-Dong, LI Xiong. Command Decision of Equipment Battlefield Damage Assessment in the Information Warfare. Journal of Command and Control, 2016, 2(1): 33-39.