Military Blockchain: From Asymmetric Warfare to Symmetric Peace
WANG Fei-Yue1,2,3 YUAN Yong1, 2 WANG Shuai1, 4 LI Juan-Juan1,2 QIN Rui1,2
1. The State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2. Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, Qingdao Shandong 266109, China
3. Research Center of Military Computational Experiments and Parallel Systems Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha Hunan 410073, China
4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:In recent years, the typical form of warfare has been witnessed to evolve from the nuclear deterrence in the physical world to the so-called intelligence deterrence in Cyber-Physical-Social spaces, resulting in a critical need for new intelligent technologies in military application scenarios. In this paper, we proposed the issues, methods and applications of blockchain-powered military systems. We elaborated blockchain's technical characteristics, which can be
summarized as "TRUE" (i.e., Trustable, Reliable, Usable, Efficient and Effective) and "DAO" (i.e., Distributed and Decentralized, Autonomous and Automated, Organized and Ordered), and pointed out that blockchain has the potential to be the cornerstone of military intelligence. We also analyzed the significant role that blockchain plays for military systems, and discussed blockchain's potential application scenarios in military fields including military information systems,
military knowledge automation, drone cluster, among others. Towards the end, we presented the conceptual framework, fundamental theories and research methods of parallel military blockchain. Blockchain can help overcome the giant gaps caused by asymmetric information and bounded rationality, and transform the asymmetric warfare into symmetric peace.
王飞跃, 袁勇,王帅,李娟娟, 秦蕊. 军事区块链:从不对称的战争到对称的和平[J]. 指挥与控制学报, 2018, 4(3): 175-182.
WANG Fei-Yue,YUAN Yong,WANG Shuai,LI Juan-Juan,QIN Rui. Military Blockchain: From Asymmetric Warfare to Symmetric Peace. Journal of Command and Control, 2018, 4(3): 175-182.